How to Control the Odor in Your Cat’s Litter Box?
by John on Apr 09, 2023
Litter boxes are the cat's equivalent of toilets. Cats, unlike humans, do not have the ability to flush things away or wipe themselves clean, unlike people.
Until it is treated, the stink will continue to accumulate.
The stench of an unclean litter box irritates the senses. What if you were the one who had to make use of the box? Unsurprisingly, at least 10% of cats cease consistently utilizing their litter boxes over time.
However, it's possible that the issues stem from medical or behavioral causes. However, a filthy litter box is generally to blame for people not using the litter box.
In this article, we will discuss a couple of things: causes of cat litter odor and tips on how to prevent cat litter box odor and how can PULLNSCOOP provide you with the most convenient solution!
What causes litter box odor?
Ammonia is what you smell in your cat's litter box because of the bacterial nature of urea. Urea levels in cat pee are very high, with the greatest concentrations in urine from intact male cats. That's why so many parents rush to have their children checked out.
The high levels of urea make it difficult for the body to fully break down and excrete all the ammonia. Ammonia is also a natural by-product of decomposing organic matter. So, when urine breaks down, it releases ammonia into the air.
The best way to control cat litter box odor is to keep the box clean. Scooping at least once a day, completely changing the litter, and washing the box with soap and water at least once a week.
You may also want to try using an odor-control litter, or adding some baking soda to the bottom of the box. Be sure to read the labels on these products, as some contain chemicals that may be harmful to our feline buddy.
To know more tips on how to prevent cat litter box odor, follow our tips below!
How to prevent cat litter box odors
1. Keep the litter box clean by changing it out on a regular basis
When you want to make sure that your surroundings are fresh and pristine, cleaning your cat litter box regularly is a must.
The odor buildup is caused by the continued use of the same litter, so it's essential that you change it out every once in a while.
2. Wash the box with soap and water at least once a week
Washing the box with soap and water will help remove any lingering odor-causing bacteria. Be sure to rinse the cat litter box well so that your cat doesn't end up ingesting any harmful chemicals.
We suggest you use mild soap when washing the litter box and avoid using any strong-smelling cleaners as they might deter your cat from using the box altogether.
3. Consider using an odor-control litter
If you find that your cat's litter is the main culprit of the bad smell, then you might want to consider using the odor-control litter.
These litters are usually made with baking soda or other odor-absorbing materials that can help keep the stink at bay.
4. Keep the box in a well-ventilated area
A well-ventilated area will help to remove any lingering odor from the litter box. If possible, keep the litter box near an open window or door to help air out the smell.
If you have a spacious area containing the litter box's stench, it may be a better idea to put it there and away from your family members and visitors.
5. Keep the litter box clean and free of debris
A clean cat litter box is a good way to avoid bad smells. Be sure to scoop it out on a daily basis and change the litter completely every few days.
If you find that there is a lot of debris in the box, such as urine-soaked clumps of litter, then you should consider changing it out more often.
How Can PULLNSCOOP Control Your Cat Litter’s Odor?
With the PULLNSCOOP semi-automatic cat litter box, all the tips we provided are lessened! Our cat litter box is specially designed for busy cat parents. We have a built-in self-circulating odor control that will help you with the bad smell and will make sure that your cat’s litter box is always clean.
The cat owners will just have to pull the handle and push it back so that the rake will be the one to sweep the excrement into the receptacle. The receptacle can contain the odor for days or until it is full, whichever comes first. Imagine not having to scoop your cat’s litter box every day!
It can be exhausting to always maintain and clean your cat’s litter box. With PULLNSCOOP, you do not have to worry about that anymore. What's more, is that we have a built-in pedal so that the debris and clumps are reduced to be carried out by the kittens.
Litter box odor is a common problem for many cat owners, but it doesn't have to be! By following our tips, you can help keep your home smelling fresh and clean.
If you are looking for a quality cat litter box for your feline friend, be sure to contact PULLNSCOOP today! They are experts and reliable suppliers of high-quality cat litter boxes for your cats. Contact us today!
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